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Lesson & Homework

Breiner Saturday 9:30 - 12:30

Updated 9th June 2019

Covered in the Lesson


8th June

Joined with Gill's class for final lesson.

Feedback on the year's work.

Kahoot quiz on vocabulary & grammar from this term's work.

Music quiz.


1st June

Space oddity song: listen and put the lyrics in order.

Continue with Mars project research.

Each group gives their talk.

Kahoot: vocabulary of space exploration.

25th May

30-second speaking board game.

Persuasive language; revision from last lesson: complete using the article by AnikaB on p2.

p4-5 listening and then look at language and practice.

TV debate. 2 groups with a presenter and different roles.

Research about Mars.
Continue research about planet Mars. See p6-7. This will be the subject for the project next lesson.

18th May

Quiz about space vocabulary.
Magazine reading p2-3. Language used to indicate what the writer is doing.

Completed last week's presentation recording.

Please try to upload the video you made on Saturday.

11th May

The YL bookmark competition ends 18th May. If you are interested, please download the zip archive, open it and watch the Powerpoint presentation, then ask your parent(s) to sign the form and design your bookmark. Please keep the two sheets separate, as your artwork will probably be displayed and the winning entries will be make into real bookmarks.
Entries must be in on 18th, so bring them to the next class.

Create a presentation for investors to persuade them to put money into your new idea. Use paper slide model.

Send to this site using link at top of page.
Final page of the magazine:

60 Top Entrepreneurs Share Best Business Advice and Tips for Success.

4th May

The Environment


27th April

Quiz about Britain & UK.

Webquest crossword about

preivew for nex week.
Choose three of the silly inventions and say why you think they might be good or bad.

Complete writing from last lesson's homework.

6th April

Feedback homework questions.

Returned writing, and gave handout about report writing. Appropriate language and register for formal documents: essay, report & formal letter.

FCE speaking, all parts.

Magazine reading task.
Your local tourist office has asked you to write a report on the sports facilities in your area to give out to English-speaking visitors.
Write c150 words.

30th March

FCE Practice Test: listening & speaking.

Complete last task from The world at your fingertips, which is 5 questions to ask one of the people featured in the article.

Upload speaking recordings to the site.

23rd March

FCE Practice Test: reading & use; writing.

16th March

Parents meeting.

8th March

to analyze.
Invent a dream and write about it.
Read the other groups' dream stories and try to analayze what they mean.

2nd March

Answer questions on

Paul Jennings story: Ex Poser

Read and evaluate (as for a review).

from the feedback on this.

One-minute speeches: various topics; speak for one minute on each.

23rd February

Sweet Dreams
Watch both TED talks as an introduction to the topic.

Magazine 3 p2-3 nºs 1-5; p4 nºs 1-2.

16th February

Think of a story then draw 6 pictures to make up a storyboard, magazine p6.

FCE Use of English questions.
Watch the videos:

The 4th video will not rotate, so lock phone rotation then turn the phone when you watch it.

The 6th video is unviewable as it is a heic file. Whoever made that, please try to export it as jpeg or m4v and bring it next week.

9th February

Announcing a writing competition:
Title: I am an alien
150 to 190 words
First prize €50 and 2 runners up €20 per level
Closing date: Monday, 18th February

We did this during the lesson.
Valentine's Day activities: reading, speaking.

Magazine p5 Nº4.3 Participle clauses. Nº5.
Magazine p5 Nº6: prepare ideas to share next lesson; make short notes in your notebook.

2nd February

Returned writing from last lesson.

Call my bluff: phobia definitions.

Magazine p3 Nºs 4-6.

Magazine p4 Nºs 1-4. This included watching a video about making horror films:

You could listen to this again using headphones for better sound quality.

For those of you who are interested:

26th January

Write a petition on an issue of your choice: formulate questions using handout then write the letter.

Sample FCE paper word formation activity.

Second Magazine: Fight or Flight.
Lead in then reading tasks 1-3.
Previous magazine: do one of the activities on the last page (use QR codes to go to the resources).

See First Exam information under the "important information" link at the top of this page.

19th January

Jigsaw reading:

Magazine p4-5 Nºs 1-5.
Read this information about the pros and cons of being vegetarian:

12th January

You are what you eat

One-minute speaking from homework.


Magazine pages 2 & 3.


Write 70-100 words about sugar and GMOs in food. What are the benefits and dangers, and what can individuals do to ensure a healthy diet?

Please write on a sheet of A4; this is easier than using a page in a notebook.

5th January

You are what you eat
Food vocabulary activity

Review a fad diet
Part 1: Discuss:
  • Do you know anyone who is / has been on a special diet? Why might people do this?
  • What is the difference between a healthy diet and a 'fad' diet?
  • Have you heard of any 'fad' diets? What did they involve? What are some of the pros and cons?

Part 2: Read:
Predict – look at the section headings. Can you guess about any of the diets – what you can / can't eat, the results they promise, or anything else?
  • Raw Food Diet
  • Alkaline Diet
  • Blood Type Diet
  • Werewolf Diet
  • Tapeworm Diet
  • Cotton Ball Diet

You are going to read a text about fad diets. For questions 1-10, choose from the paragraphs A-F. The paragraphs may be chosen more than once.
Strategy – read the first two questions, look for the answers while getting a general idea of the texts. Once you think you have found an answer, check the other texts then read the next 1-2 questions and repeat. You should quickly get a good idea of the texts this way.
Which Diet:
  1. Can have deadly consequences
  2. Promises not to remove the nutrients from foods
  3. Recommends different foods for different people
  4. Probably became popular because of social media
  5. Has shorter and longer versions
  6. Could block your digestive system
  7. Creates a problem with meal preparation time
  8. Promises to achieve something that the human body can already do by itself
  9. Includes a period of not eating anything
  10. Attracts people who feel a great, immediate need to lose weight

Part 3: Hedging
What are the differences between these two sentences?
“Teenagers use mobile phones too much.”
“There is strong evidence to suggest that teenagers may use mobile phones too much in some situations.”

Write about a diet, working in groups.
Complete writing if not already done.

Prepare a one-minute talk about the diet you wrote about.

15th December

Reading 1:
Find words used to describe:
  • Lucy
  • her reaction to how hens are treated
  • an important task a person sets themself
  • killing
  • hens kept in cages
Why is the word "enriched" less than honest here?

Reading 2:
Use conditional tenses to talk about your own campaign about something you think needs to change.

Learn about people’s heroes:
Find out about heroes and heroism:

24th November

Working in groups, prepare ideas for a festival. Create a poster showing the proposal, with details of the festival plan.
This will be displayed in the centre.
On the last page of the magazine there are QR code links to two www pages:
Here are some questions to answer when you have read the and watched the .

What language-learning strategy did the writer have, and why didn't it work?

Do the activities on the video page.

17th November

Videos showing cultural differences around the world; things you might not expect, and also things that are offensive.

Where Music Meets Travel: 17 Songs to Celebrate Equality in 2017
Listen to as many of the songs as possible and make a note of what they convey to you.

You can use the following links to help you.

Choose two of the songs that you listened to and talked about; find the lyrics online and then write 50-100 words about why the song is special and what ideas it puts forward.

10th November

Please complete the survey

Use of English test from FCE past paper.

Say whether these statments are true or false (T/F):
  1. Remembrance Day is a Christian festival.
  2. The poppy is a symbol of victory.
  3. The poppy is to remember not only WWI, but all soldiers who have fought in wars during the 20th and 21st centuries.
  4. The idea of selling poppies was inspired by a poem written by a soldier during WWI.
  5. The idea was first thought of in England.
  6. There were not enough poppies for Scotland so a different factory was established.
  7. it is obligatory in the UK to wear a poppy on 11th November

Share thoughts about the musicians focused on last class.

Class survey on paper for Porto records.

Song: James Taylor: Shower the people.

Magazine p4 lead in and listening task.
Magazine p5 nos 3 & 4.

3rd November

Follow the link to the ghost story.

Musicians in Residence:

Complete notes made on the 3 musicians. Prepare to talk to different people next lesson about your ideas. For this you need clear notes you can refer to.

27th October

Answers to homework: reading 1st 2 pages of the magazine.

Reading: article about sport and prejudice; Powerpoint with vocabulary activities.

Agreeing/disagreeing with 5 controversial statements; groups formulate arguments and try to persuade a third group to agree with them.

Note 3 words or phrases that you learnt this lesson.

Star by David Bowie.
Write 50 words about your favourite music.

20th October

Magazine p6 Presentation:

Ideas for presentations:
Do the language activities on this page as well as choosing a topic.

Prepare presentations then give them.

Start new magazine: read page 2 and do all activities on page 3. We will check answers and give feedback next lesson.

I have been asked to share this Powerpoint with you:

13th October

p3 Nº5 individual comments.

Lou Reed - NY telephone conversation gapfill.

p4-5 all activities.

Coaching role play.

Corrections to homework.

Research famous people: Richard Branson, James Dyson & Tim Berners-Lee (Nº10 p 5).
Writing about a famous person (if not already done).

6th October

about what influences achievement in school.

Powerpoint about 5 people who have affected the lives of others. collocations.

p2-3 all parts: reading & vocabulary.

Supertramp My kind of lady
p3 no 5: write some more in answer to these questions.

Write 100-150 words about one of the famous people from 1st lesson.

29th September

Introduction to course.
Famous people - early life: in groups focus on one of them and find out more about them.
Present perfect: who has done various various things, followed by activity: "Have you ever...?" practising use of Present Perfect questions and statementts "S/he has (never) done...".

Gave out magazine - quick look through.
Writing 150 wds (collaborate if possible) about the famous person you researched in groups.