Lesson & Homework

Use to open and write on pdf files.
Use MS Word or or to open .doc and .docx files.

The Reading Challenge

Go to these sites to find interesting books to read:

You can download Kindle books and also listen if the book is available on Audible. This is a good way to read. You can download the Kindle app to use on any device you use. You do not need to get a Kindle device.

Lesson Material


15th & 17th June

These were the stories

8th June

Continued with worksheet from last week. Enriching language using adjectives and adverbs.
Write your own story 50-100 words.

1st June

Write three more sentences in the What might happen? What can happen? table.

Listen to the recording of the story and read the text at the same time.

25th May

20th May

18th May

Listening track 2:

Listening track 3:

Listening track 4:

11th & 13th May


0 Conditional Answers

Look on
to download feedback from the speaking presentation.

4th & 6th May

Returned Homework

29th April

Magazine p9

22nd April

Upload your recycling story to Padlet if not already done.
Start your first book for the

20th April

See 15th April. Here is to help you.

15th April

Reading Challenge

Note down the activities you do in a normal day.
Think of all the items you use that are made of plastic.
Identify plastic-free alternatives.
This could be:
  • other items that are not made of plastic
  • or a different way to do the activity
Clearly explain your solutions to your classmates.

Upload to Padlet and include you name in the file.

13th April

video answers environment answers

8th April

Complete page one of the task.

6th April

(this is the Kahoot quiz we did in class)
Continue with the activity.

Do these 2 worksheets for homework:

Upload to Padlet.

18th March

Download Kahoot app to your phone if you do not already have it.

Role play:

16th March

Try the listening again. Use the and listen to the conversation again.


11th March

Write an email

Imagine you are from the country you have chosen.

Give yourself a name (try googling ‘common names in [name of country]’ and choose one).

Choose 5 topics (e.g. capital city, national dish, landmark, population…) and find out this information about your country on the internet.

Use this to write a letter to a pen pal, telling them about your country. Use the examples to help you.

You can include some pictures if you want to ☺

Each group choose your number and write on the Google Doc

Read another group's email and write a short reply.

Did they do a good job? Did you learn anything new?
Read another group's email and write a short reply, this time as yourself in real life.

Upload to Padlet.

9th March

4th March

Read this to see what type of work to produce

Work on this in groups. Use pictures and ideas from web sites and prepare to speak for a minute about your trip.
Send me your presentation so I can make a comment and return it to you.

2nd March

Use Acrobat Reader to annotate these files

23rd & 25th February

: use Acrobat to annotate this file.

2nd & 4th; 9th & 11th February

Please see for materials.
Listening we did in class on 4th. Listen again and do ex3; write a few words for each answer.

26th & 28th January

19th & 21st January


Choose one of the letters asking for help from the Padlet and write an answer. Upload it to Padlet; include your name.

12th & 14th January

Write on the last page of the Invent an App document, using sentences describing your app.

This works on a computer or a tablet. A smartphone screen is too small.

7th January

5th January

Pages 1, 2, 3 ex4 & 4.

Listening page 4 nº6:

Write a poem about your favourite computing device. We will finish this next lesson.
Write a couple more lines for you poem.

3rd, 10th & 15th December

Download materials from this link.
for Christmas carols & songs.

26th November

for today's lesson.

24th November

Make a poster for someone your age to help them be healthy

19th November

In case you had technical problems, here is the material from the lesson, including the song and the Powerpoint:

12th November

10th November

5th November

Download the

3rd November

Download this .

15th October

Use as we continue this lesson.


Write a brochure about your neighbourhood, or invent a fictional neighbourhood if you prefer.
Your brochure should include:
  • The name of your neighbourhood
  • A picture or drawing to show what your neighbourhood looks like
  • A description of your neighbourhood
  • A famous landmark in your area. (you can invent one!)
  • Information about transport
  • Information about the best attractions and things to do
  • Information about the best places to eat

You can use pictures or draw them yourself. Look up information on the Internet. Keep it short but interesting.

13th October

8th October

Paper slides.

Check this out if you like singing.

Writing: download this and write about a city.
right click: open in Word
right click: open in Acrobat Reader

6th October

1st October

Write 4 things about the place you looked at on Google maps.

29th September

. I expect you know most of this, but a quick look until 2:30 in the video will help.

For online:
  • My camera/microphone is not working.
  • My Internet connection is not good today.
  • Could you write that in the chat window?